Welcoming an Au Pair 101 - Matching Made Easy Bundle

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This bundle includes all of the amazing Welcoming an Au Pair 101 bonuses available for those who don’t need the in depth group coaching guidance of the full course.

What’s included:

Welcoming and Au Pair checklist

Au Pair Glossary/Essentials List

Au Pair task list

Sample interview questions

Au Pair Handbook

Au Pair essentials info sheet

**This does not include the 3 session group coaching workshop. Assets will be available for download after purchase**

See full description of the bonuses below.

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Welcoming and Au Pair checklist

  • Quick and easy guide from A to Z so you never miss a step when welcoming an Au Pair into your family

Au Pair Glossary/Essentials List

  • List of all of the terms and acronyms you need to be familiar with during this process as well as pertinent highlights

Au Pair task list

  • Not sure what you’re allowed to ask your Au Pair to do? Here’s a list of typical Au Pair tasks to inspire you.

Sample interview questions

  • Asking good questions is essential to finding the right Au Pair to join your family and take care of your littles. Your interview questions should help you identify immediate red flags, but also discover nuances that give you much more insight into the person that will be spending large amounts of time in your house and with your family.

Au Pair Handbook

  • A detailed handbook makes your Au Pair’s life (and your life) so much easier. This is a document to refer to so onboarding seems a little easier and it also sets expectations from the beginning. It can be a living document that grows and changes with your littles. This handbook is comprehensive and will leave no question unanswered for your Au Pair. Edit it and make it your own!

Au Pair essentials info sheet

  • This quick sheet gives the Au Pair a quick reference for the most important family information without having to go to the handbook. This is great for printing and putting up in the kitchen for easy access. Great for babysitters and family too!